Eu sou quem eu quero ser

Emmily Sophie, guitarist, 25 years. She took over as transsexual since 14 years. He was kicked out of home by his father and slept for three days under the stairs that gave access to the music school. The school welcomed her and taught her about music. He wrote a book while in depression and thought of suicide. She attended the University of Fine Arts in Music. She worked as a makeup artist and brow designer for tuition. The ex-husband beat her for six years. Used scythe, machete. He was a cop. Today she lives with her mother and brother. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, 11/12/2015.

Por Marcio Pimenta | Fotogaleria • Publicada em 23 de abril de 2016 - 10:42 • Atualizada em 25 de abril de 2016 - 11:51

Emmily Sophie, guitarist, 25 years. She took over as transsexual since 14 years. He was kicked out of home by his father and slept for three days under the stairs that gave access to the music school. The school welcomed her and taught her about music. He wrote a book while in depression and thought of suicide. She attended the University of Fine Arts in Music. She worked as a makeup artist and brow designer for tuition. The ex-husband beat her for six years. Used scythe, machete. He was a cop. Today she lives with her mother and brother. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, 11/12/2015.

Em um país em que a cada 33 horas um homossexual é assassinado, se assumir trans não é tarefa das mais fáceis: “A sociedade que nos agride é a mesma que nos procura a noite”. Clique ou toque na imagem para conhecer a história de Mariana Antunes e suas amigas. Se estiver usando o celular, prefira a visualização horizontal.

Marcio Pimenta

Fotógrafo especialista em documentários, viagens e culturas. Abandonou o doutorado em Relações Internacionais pela Universidad de Santiago do Chile para se dedicar a contar histórias. Atualmente reside em Curitiba (PR). Publica reportagens independentes sobre desastres ambientais, crise hídrica, imigração, trabalho escravo etc. no Guardian (Inglaterra), na National Geographic (Brasil), no El País (Brasil), no Roads and Kingdoms (EUA), no GlobalPost (EUA), na Gazeta do Povo (Paraná) e no #Colabora.

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